The 'New World Order'
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The New World Order
The Term 'New World Order' Has Been Used By Secret Societies And The Elite To Represent Their Plan And Goal Of An Illuminati Controlled World Government That Will Be Organized According To Their Secret Society/Luciferian Principles.       The Chaotic World And Economic Situation That We Are In Is Directly Related To Their Plans For Us.       By Using Occult Secret Societies Along With The Power Of LUCIFER They Will Bring All Of The Nations Of This World Together As One.

Enhanced Driver’s License Now Ready For Border

Enhanced Drivers License
Ontario residents can now apply for an enhanced driver’s license to use instead of a passport when crossing into the United States, Transportation Minister Jim Bradley announced today, even though the new documents won’t be ready for weeks.

The U.S. will require passports or other secure identification documents for anyone crossing into the country by land or sea starting June 1, while a passport will still be required to enter the U.S. by air.

What is it?

A new high tech licence designed to prevent identity theft and possibly serve as an alternate to your passport when travelling to the U.S. But a Ministry spokesman admits that could be ‘years away.’

What’s special about it?

It has a second photo on the front, raised lettering of the license’s number, signature and date of birth, a fine-line background, a 2D barcode, micro and rainbow printing, and ultraviolet features among others.

When can you get it?

They’ll be issued the next time you renew your license, starting this month.

What’s the cost?

It won’t be more expensive, retaining the $75 charge you pay now.

What if you’ve just renewed your license?

You’re out of luck. The only way to get the new version is to move, change the information on your current card or wait until your next renewal five years from now.

CCTV Security Cameras

An explosion proof camera and various dome mounted cameras are pictured above. CCTV is an acronym that stands for Closed Circuit Television. It is defined as the use of one or more cameras used for surveillance purposes. It was initially developed to increase bank security and has since spread to every corner of the security industry. Home security systems, businesses, corporations, organizations, and schools are several examples of locations that implement CCTV Security Systems. They produce high quality, exceptionally sharp color images, and have motion sensors that track movement across an area. They can pick a person out of a crowd and lock on them, tracing their movements; they can run at night because of infrared technology. The possibilities are endless for CCTV, especially as the technology continues to develop.

The Foundations Have Been Laid A Long Time Ago

The Apotheosis of George Washington as displayed on the ceiling of the Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Washington, DC (painted by Constantino Brumidi - 1865).   It depicts George Washington rising to the heavens in glory sitting on a throne as a God.   Very few recognize the spiritual elements of the architecture and the symbolism of this building which literally makes it a temple of Masonic mysteries.   The city of Washington is even located in the District of the (Goddess of Columbia).   In 1791, President Washington commissioned Pierre (Peter) Charles L’Enfant, a French-born architect, city planner and freemason, to design the new capital and City of Washington.

The masons had wanted America to be a 'New Atlantis' and Washington, D.C. a second Rome.   They were committing America to what has been called 'A Secret Destiny'.   This future 'destiny', is 'The New World Order'.   Listen to an audiobook on  Freemasonry - The Truth   (right click to download)

In order for a global "New World Order" economic system to be established with a one-world electronic currency the sovereignty of all nations must be undermined.   Then, and only then, will everyone be forced to exist and live within the confines of a single global police state thereby losing our freedoms and rights as free human beings.

The ideal of a "New World Order" might never be closer than now. It may not be long before all of us experience an abrupt change in our way of living.   There has been a group that consists of Masons, Jewish Bankers, and other influential wealthy individuals that has worked for a very long time through Freemasonry and the Order of the Illuminati to achieve this "New World Order".   Their goal is to set up a Global Police State with a more controlled society and continuous surveillance over every citizen!   First they’ll destroy this present world system (Old Order) and then bring in their global government.   They have everything in place and ready to go so when the time is right they will make their move without any hesitation.

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God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13"